Consultations & Classes

Consultations and Classes can Catapult your goals 

Not sure where to start? This is the perfect page to visit. We have experts and teachers dedicated to helping you learn sustainable growing practices and implement them.

Yes these things do cost money and for good reason. People should be paid for the services they provide. That is how you get dedication and assistance that is not at the expense of another person. MBE (Mutually Beneficial Exchange) is the only way we operate. If you want to grow sustainably but you are unsure how you can afford it, we are here to help you find a payment structure that works for you. Our goal is to eliminate money barriers and inspire abundance but never at the expense of another person. We believe there is always a way to inspire MBE so that every side feels a gain and no side feels cheated. There are more things that money that have worth.


Rachel Rowley

Dave Royal


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