Connect with what you love!

Events are a way to gather in support of what we love. We want to join with you in supporting and appreciating the great farms, businesses and people in this community and in this world.  Appreciation and support of beautiful sustainable people, farms, and businesses is a powerful thing, one that we hope to inspire all to embrace as much as we do.

So What Does Tasty Source Do?

We get to know the source and we help you get to know them too.

The details we pay attention to:

  • Farms/Businesses- We visit farms and help you know how natural, sustainable, healthy, and humane their practices are.
  • Soil- We test the soil so you know what the soil is feeding to the plants you are purchasing.
  • Plants- We learn the source of their seeds, we find out where the seeds come from and how the plant is cared for through its life.
  • Animals- We find out how the animals are treated and what they eat so that you know you are contributing to a positive animal life.
  • Additives- We find what the farms spray on or feed their plants, animals and soil. 

We find out the struggles, successes, details and the life of the farm so that you can feel good about what you are supporting when you buy from them and you can know how you can support them more if you so choose. With the farms permission we will share what we have learned. If we do not get permission to share information we will tell you and If a farm opts out of sharing even minor details we will post on their page that they have opted out.


Who Are We?

We are people just like you. People with a cause. 

There was a time when I shared a business proposition with some people and I was told to ditch the social cause or the business will never make much money. There was a time when corporate control was the answer. There was a time when business was all about money but we see a new reality emerging. 

There are beautiful companies in this world. You may not know about them or what they truly do for the world because corporations want you to see money/consumerism and not the ethical sustainability. We aim to see through the corporations, through the money, through negative interactions in the world and bring positive sources to you. We want to see the problems and find solutions! We want to support the amazing sources in the world and help them be the best that they can be. That is our passion beyond anything else. 

We passionately love and believe in the people and businesses that, no matter how many times they are told to ditch the cause, they stick with what they believe in because every single person and every little step in the right direction makes a positive difference.

How Do We Get Our Info

  1. We know there are farms and businesses out there that fake a face. Most of the ones that really care dont need to fake it. We aim to bring you the farms and businesses who care and are trying to make a positive difference in the world.

Our Information Collection Process:

  • Contact- We contact the farms that seem to have practices we love. We gather info from them and we post on their page what they share with us. This is just a guide before we are able to visit them to confirm what they say and to test their soil. (this will be stated on the farm’s page.)
  • Farms/Businesses- We visit farms and help you know how natural, sustainable, healthy, and humane their practices are. During our visit we confirm and investigate everything that was shared with us. There are hundreds of great farms throughout the U.S. It will take us some time to visit them all. If you want to help us with this process visit the Boost Us Page.
  • Source- We follow everything back to the soil it was grown from. Feed for animals is no different. How was the animal’s food grown that they ate to give you the animal product you are choosing to purchase.
  • Soil- We test and study the soil. We want to see life in the micro-biology, earthworms, fungi, and eco-system. We want to see a high nutrient content or at least a growing nutrient content. We want to see not only extractable nutrient content but exchangeable and soluble nutrients as well. Learn More About Soil Here
  • Plants- We learn the source of their seeds, the nutrient content, the care practices and the love put into growing the plants.
  • Animals- We find out how the animals are treated, how they live and what they eat so that you know you are contributing to a positive animal life.
  • Additives- We find what the farms spray on or feed their plants, animals and soil. 
  • Farms- We find out the struggles, successes, details and the life of the farm so that you can feel good about what you are supporting when you buy from them and you can know how you can support them more if you so choose.
  • If You Don’t See the Info You Are Looking For- We will never say anything negative about a farm. We have a very detailed structured form we fill out for each farm. When we are in the communication portion of our process with a farm you may not see a full list of information because we are in the process of gathering info that is okay, keep checking back. Once we have visited the farms then the entire farm’s form should be filled out. Farms are always free to opt out from sharing info and in that case we will tell you they have opted out. We simply state the facts. If we have visited the farm and there are details that are blank chances are that we did not get permission to share AND those details were NOT natural, sustainable, healthy, or humane.

With the farms permission we will share what we have learned. If we do not get permission to share information we will tell you that.


How To Read Our Info Presentations

We state the facts. We will be honest and upfront with you. If a farm opts out of sharing info that is not negative we will tell you they opted out. We may not have permission to share facts with you and if we cant share with you info about a negative details or sources, we will tell you with a blank space. Blank space can say more than words can say.

What our farm or business forms look like and the info you can count on: Click Here