
We believe in the power of mutually beneficial exchanges. 

Exchanges are made in business, person-to-person trades and in countless biological interactions in nature. The way those exchanges present themselves in our world is not always mutually beneficial—as a society we need to focus on ways that everybody can win.

Our goal is to inspire mutually beneficial exchanges in our business, personal interactions and our relationship with the earth. When we can bring sustainability to trade, aligning with the balance found in nature, everyone involved is strengthened and able to continuously contribute to healthier and more prosperous exchanges.

Mutually Beneficial Exchange (MBE)

Explore the dimensions of mutually beneficial exchange

MBE is a sustainable practice for all people working together with a common purpose.

In trade, MBE occurs when two or more people, groups or organizations come together and exchange any combination of products and services, concluding all transactions with the unconditional satisfaction of everyone involved.

Communication and empathy is key in MBE. Everyone needs to speak their mind and address any concerns while being aware of the value that the exchange gives to all parties. MBE is not necessarily a 1 for 1 exchange mentality. Its a value for value exchange strategy that weighs in the subjective values the exchange provides.

If a farmer and a laborer were to have a MBE, it might look something like one of these scenarios...

  • A farmer offers leftover seeds to anyone willing to spend a week helping the farmer harvest. The laborer enjoys working to get a deal on seeds to start their own garden. The farmer stays on schedule as planned.
  • A farmer offers minimum wage + a few boxes of fruit and veggies every week for a part-time laborer. The farmer is content with their labor force and the laborer is happy to be paid, be working outside and receiving most of their food.

If a grocery store and a farm were to have an MBE, it might look something like one of these scenarios...

  • A grocery store pays three months in advance to a farmer who prepares a list of veggies to be grown and fulfills ongoing orders based on a set agreement. The farmer receives the stability to plan and pay for production and the store receives the produce they need all throughout the year. 
  • A grocery store rents a section of their store for a farmer to sell and restock for a weekly/monthly fee. The store is happy for the consistent revenue and the farmer is happy that they can sell to more people. 
MBE inspires our humanity to flourish in business. Transactional, profit-prioritizing strategies has become the premier approach to business, belittling people to numbers on a graph. Turning things around won't be easy. People must come together and agree on an approach to business where everyone wins and no one loses. Bringing sustainability to business is up to a new generation of business leaders that value people, the earth, and justice above all else. While the momentum has already begun, we are here to support the heroes of our time, the individuals who are smashing status quo for emotional and ecological sustainability in business. The following is a brief list of ways MBE can be created and maintained in business:
  • Conduct Business at a Round Table: internally or externally, everyone involved in a business exchange should consider the goals of everyone at the table. With an openness to communication, a business can lead important discussions to clearly identify the MBE opportunity. In a sense, businesses should act more like a supportive community in people's lives rather than a wandering merchant that occasionally visits.
  • Conduct Business in a "Glass Office": when MBE is the priority, there is nothing to gain from keeping information hidden. If the income from a transaction is being reinvested in the company, why should that information not be known to a customer or partner? People feel more connected with others they are doing business with when they are being transparent and honest.
  • Respond to Competition with Open Arms: In nature, competition is natural and necessary for the vitality of any ecosystem. The same goes for competition in business. However, the way we compete in business today, as a zero-sum game where if one business wins, others have to lose, is not feeding the eco-system of business. In order for competition in business to maintain stability, we need business leaders focusing on solving problems together so that everyone maximizes their potential for success, instead of industry-wide domination.

Our relationship with the earth is more than consumption.

Many of us clamor to certain titles to set ourselves apart from others. Usually, those titles refer to our consumption tactics: zero-waste, carbon neutral, keto diet, etc. However, our relationship to earth is more than how we buy and eat, it's about how aware we are to our role in the natural ecosystems of the earth. 

It's easy for us to remove ourselves from nature since we are unique, in our intelligence and freewill. MBE with earth is as ecological as it is sociological. What everyone needs to ask themselves is, "am I offering the world value and do I deserve what I've been given?" No matter where any of us come from or where we are, that question can help us navigate our MBE relationship with the world around us. 

The following is a brief list of approaches to developing a MBE relationship with the earth:

  • Find A Use For Everything: zero-waste lifestyles are full of clever tricks to reusing products and shopping consciously, but the wisdom that those lifestyles promote is that everything is useful. The limitations of any one thing is dependent on our imagination, which is boundless. This approach can help anyone appreciate the things in there life more. 

  • Play With The Earth: As children we learned how to empathize and work efficiently with others through play. As adults, we are happiest when we let loose and enjoy ourselves with others. Our relationship with the earth is no different, we must play with it to learn about it and grow our love for it. Gardening, camping, outdoor activities and personal science experiments can bring us closer to the earth and help us identify the value we receive, everyday.

We all give, and deserve to receive.

MBE does not stand against unconditional love or giving. For anyone, the act of giving already comes with the value of personal impact. However, when it comes to upholding the respect we have for ourselves, we must strive to gain from what we give. We all live in a subjective world, so giving or providing a service to another may give them immense value or little value. 

The difficulty of creating an MBE lifestyle is that others need to participate for it to work. But, what's incredible about that "limitation" is that it pushes us to lead by example and influence others to empathize with the varying subjective values offered in any moment.

The following is a brief list of ways we can become MBE role-models in our personal lives:

  • Turn Passions Into Pearls: anything we're passionate about can be of value to ourselves and others. Are you passionate about lizards? When you talk about them with others, offer what you've learned about them over the years, or help local lizard habitats, or even create a community of lizard lovers online. Anyone's passion has the potential to become of value to someone else.

  • Trust Wisely And Quickly: the world is not in a place to trust everyone we meet. But, it's less dangerous than we assume and deep down people are good. We should all practice safety in our lives but not at the expense of turning our backs on valuable people who want nothing more than to have MBE's with other trustworthy people.

  • Respect What Others Value: at the heart of most personal conflicts is a disagreement of values. Our values align with our passions and our identity—instead of identifying the commonalities between our values, we're quick to defend our stance against what someone else values. If we respect other people's values we hold our values strong while embracing other perspectives. This can offer us more opportunities to spark MBE relationships in our lives. 

Sustainable Business Practices

Explore how you can promote sustainability in your business

A balanced and successful business has an unshakable commitment to people's needs.

Not just customer needs, but the needs of everyone involved. Workers need financial stability and to feel connected to their work. Customers need to be treated like human beings that dream of living in a better world. partners need to feel aligned to the same cause.

Traditional business practices aren’t sustainable for anyone. Below, we offer some information on better business (not as usual) practices. Check out our articles at the bottom for more information.

  • Harmonize Goals- everyone working at a company is simultaneously taking on company goals and their own personal goals. Unhealthy stress at work is usually borne from the friction caused by those goals not aligning. Keeping them in alignment means less turnover and more productivity.

  • Fulfill Needs- "needs" consider our physical and emotional health while "wants" can be the consequence of manipulation or create illusionary suffering if not satisfied. Giving people quality products and access to becoming healthy and happy should always be among your highest goals.

  • Prioritize Refinement- instead of prioritizing growth in business, since bigger doesn’t always mean better, prioritizing refinement is an approach that allows businesses to grow sustainably. When business leaders constantly refine processes and engagements, they can grow while maintaining their positive impact in the world.

  • Seek Change- while profit is necessary in keeping a business alive, it should never shake away the motivation to change or inspire the world. We are transitioning to a time in history when people choose to buy from businesses that care, those that focus on people and the earth instead of wealth and power.

Connections in business should be more than skin-deep.

In nature, mutualism between animals and plants can create a sustainable system that allows everyone involved to thrive. We can do the same in business by approaching connections with the priority of creating emotionally sustainable and mutually beneficial exchanges.

Animals and plants of all shapes and sizes come together to leverage their strengths and maximize their overall quality of life. Below, you'll find ways human beings can create natural connections inspired by mutualism in nature. Check out our articles at the bottom for more information.

  • Common Goal- Joining the right groups, attending the right events and catching the attention of like-minded people can help you build a team to tackle a common goal. With a diverse group of people, anything is possible.

  • Trash/Treasure Dynamic- our world is subjective, and that means someone’s trash is another’s treasure. Sustainability in nature relies on a cycle of waste and consumption. There is a huge potential to mimic that process in our society to diminish waste and maximize solidarity.

  • Projector/Generator Dynamic- everyone has skills that come natural to them. Some people are better at inspiring others to create, while others are better at creating. There are many combinations of people working together that brings out the highest potential of each.

Events have the power to create stronger communities.

There’s no better way to engage people than throwing an event. It’s a moment that can promote a business’s sustainability efforts, rally employees around internal change, and celebrate any accomplishments.

The information below will get you started down the path towards planning and throwing an amazing event for incredible people. Check out our articles at the bottom for more information.

  • Check The Pulse- use surveys, internally for company-wide events or externally for public events, to gauge what people get excited about. Using information from a survey can start a planning process that takes into consideration the words of potential attendees.

  • Create A Platform- use your event to lift up people that have something to say. Whether it’s an intern at your company or someone found online with knowledge relevant to your event, you can give new and powerful voices a curious and engaging audience.

  • Develop Activities- people retain more information when they are actively engaged in learning. The most successful events give people moments to roll their sleeves up and participate in solo or group activities. Make your event memorable and productive.

  • Keep It Personal- people love parties because they get to have fun with friends or meet new people. An event of any kind should prioritize fun, levity and connection. Plan on giving people time to meet and time to enjoy themselves amidst any learning moments.

List of Sustainable Businesses 

Explore businesses that are doing their best to do it right