Author: Tasty Source – Photographer: Robert Fischetto – Date: August 2020

A plant’s outbreath of oxygen gives us our inbreath, and our outbreath of carbon dioxide gives plants their inbreath. We have a symbiotic relationship with plants and we cannot survive without them. And yet, we bite the plants that feed us by living wasteful lifestyles or turning our attention away from the imbalances we create in the natural world. Imbalances in nature cause imbalances in us. 

Let’s look at it this way, if the entire human population were one person, and we (as one person) realized that some of our bad habits have caused, and is fueling, a disease in our body, we would focus on removing those bad habits to survive. At the same time, we would look for ways to maximize the conditions for a healthy recovery. Knowing the symbiotic relationship we have with nature, we would come to the conclusion that focusing on the health of nature would in turn help us to recover.

Our inbreath is nature’s outbreath and our outbreath is nature’s inbreath.

Sick plants aren’t a sustainable source of oxygen and nutrients. We found in our exploration of the plight of bees that higher CO2 levels in our atmosphere lowers the amount of nutrients in the crops we eat. And so, the imbalance we create in the environment has come full circle and now we face another possible end to mankind. But, we shouldn’t fear it. If imbalances in nature can cause imbalances in us, then balance found in us can create balance in nature.

Ecosystems constantly work to create stability when there’s an imbalance. The natural world patches any holes and re-establishes order based on the persistence of all of its members. They all focus on thriving through change. They are “working together” by working through whatever’s happening right in front of them. For a plant it might be a drought, or for an animal it might be a shortage of food.

The same thing goes for human beings in any (eco)system. When weather systems devastate our towns, or political systems confuse our values, or toxic social dynamics keep us from engaging with the world, we press on and try to find stability. More importantly, finding what we need to thrive as an individual, is what everything else needs to thrive as a collective. 

Our inbreath is nature’s outbreath and our outbreath is nature’s inbreath.

Plants work together by working alone. Without a plant rooting itself, growing and flowering, it cannot fully connect with the ecosystem around it. It must build itself from the seed up with strength and perseverance before it can be of optimal use to the natural world. As human beings we try and run before tightening our shoes, so to speak, and then we curse life when we fall on our face. Plants show us that there is no failure, but only growth and connection to the greater world through personal struggle and progress.

When we work on our mental and physical health, embrace our desires and take a realistic look at our connection with all of life, we make better decisions. Our thoughts are an extension of nature and can be used to spread a plague of imbalance or strengthen any system they are involved in. We, like plants, need to embrace our living conditions, adapt and grow into the most valuable version of ourselves. When we create a sustainable system within, we can contribute to sustainability without.

Our inbreath is nature’s outbreath and our outbreath is nature’s inbreath.

Tasty Source
Author: Tasty Source

Regenerative and sustainable